Featuring Sheila Wray Gregoire, author of The Great Sex Rescue and She Deserves Better and leading Christian researcher in Canada on healthy male-female relationships.

This Training Event will be of interest to all pastors, elders, deacons, Abuse Response Team members, youth leaders, and others who have leadership positions in the  Christian Community. Anyone who desires to learn more about abuse-related matters is welcome to attend. 

For further information, check out the brochure, which includes location information, details on the sessions, and more. To learn about each of the speakers, check out the bio page. 

Register by February 27.

Hosted by Classis Huron


8:30-9:00 Registration & Refreshments 

9:00-9:30 Welcome 

  Opening Devotions - Dr. Amanda Benckhuysen

9:30-10:30 Plenary Session - Sheila Wray Gregoire  

10:30-10:45 Refreshment Break 

10:45-12:00  Continuation of Plenary Session 

12:00-12:45  Lunch 

12:45-2:00  Workshops A & B

2:00-3:20  Film “For Our Daughters” and panel discussion 

3:20-3:30 Closing


By checking this box, you consent that the Classis Huron Safe Church Committee may use photos and videos of you from this event. If you have questions or concerns about this, please email [email protected].


Please select which one of our two workshops you plan to attend during the workshop session.

  • In 2023, out of a desire to foster safe and healthy cultures in CRC congregations where people can worship God and grow in faith free from harm, Synod approved a Code of Conduct for Ministry Leaders. In this workshop, we will explore the new Code of Conduct for Ministry Leaders in the CRC, how it fosters safe and healthy communities, best practices and ideas for implementing the Code of Conduct in our congregations, and a new resource developed by Thrive to help orient councils and staff teams to the Code of Conduct.

  • This workshop will be about how to create and maintain a safe church policy that will work for your church, including tips and ideas for training to ensure that staff and volunteers are properly screened and trained for their roles. Come with your questions about safe church and how to keep it relevant and alive in your church.

Registration Payment

  • I will be paying the $35 through this form (preferred)

  • I will be paying the $35 via cheque that I will bring with me on the day of the event (reach out to Carel Geleynse for the coupon code that allows you to register without paying)

If you have reservations about paying online, reach out to Carel Geleynse at [email protected]. He can give you the coupon code that will allow you to register without paying online. If you choose this option, plan on bringing a cheque made out to Classis Huron Safe Church Committee on the day of the event.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software